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Angels in disguise

Here are some pictures of our eventful trip back to Quito.  The fan belt broke giving us the opportunity to depend totally upon God’s provision.  To us, these kind and generous people were angels in disguise.  They were there to comfort us and protect us. 


One of the signs for the rest stop.


The little rest stop in the middle of nowhere.  Jane’s car is parked beside the red car.


Our angels.  The man and wife and daughter who welcomed us with open arms.  He brought out a newspaper to look at and Damarys is looking at the picture.


He said he though the picture in the paper was of me.  The story talks about some surgeon and he thought I was this surgeon.


The daughter was sharing with us some of her science questions she had in school.  We had a good time talking with the family.  They were so gracious to us.


This older gentleman lived there and probably was a father of one of the parents.


Packing Loita’s pickup with all our luggage and stuff we were taking back to Quito.


The bustling village of Lita.


The yellow building up the road is the second restaurant where we ate our second lunch while waiting on our other angels from Quito to arrive.


The village of Lita is not very big, mainly buildings along both sides of the road.  This is the only road from San Lorenzo into the central part of the country to travel to Otavalo, Ibarra, and eventually Quito.  There is a fair amount of bus traffic on this road.


A bus similar to the one we rode on into Lita.




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