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1/26/05 (Wednesday)

6:30 AM.  Well, my hopes didn’t happen.  I could not avoid diarrhea.  My night was interrupted several times with cramps and diarrhea.  After a couple doses of immodium, things are settling down a little.  We have had stuff brought in from the community to eat at times, some by a couple grateful patients and some my Mary.  I wonder if I picked up a bug from less than adequately prepared food.  This will give me a very long day.

Lord, place Your hand on my belly and calm the problem for me please.  I want to serve You today, our biggest day so far.  Keep us safe and the patients safe.  Wrap Your hands around our hands so we can operate properly  Be with Rob, Angelita, Maria Luisa today as well.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.

9:30 PM.  Our day was long and arduous.  We did 7 cases – 5 hysterectomies, one exam for post-op bleeding and one D&C.  I finally got over the diarrhea only to trade it for nausea.  In the middle of the 3rd case, I got more intense nausea.  Rob then drew up some Phenergan, pulled down my pants and shot me in the rear while I was operating.  I have never had that happen before!  Of course, Jane, Angelita and Maria Luisa all had a great laugh.  After a while I felt worse and had to drop out and go lay down.  An hour later I woke up and felt much better.  I drank some fluids and regained my energy.  Jane and I were able to do the rest of the cases.

An unusual fibroid position on top of the uterus

An unusual fibroid position on top of the uterus

We had one lady come in today with an incomplete abortion and was bleeding fairly heavy.  We did a D&C on her.  On our schedule tomorrow is a lady from Columbia.  She told us she and her husband were farmers in Columbia.  Some of the rebels came and told him to grow cocaine.  He refused and they then told this couple they had 30 minutes to vacate their home and land or be killed.  The couple fled with only the clothes they were wearing.  We have no comprehension of how difficult life is for these people.

Lord, thank You for healping me through this day.  The work is hard and not feeling well made it tougher.  However, You were there with me.  Thank You for protecting our patients and giving us the skills to care for them.  I pray for a good night’s sleep tonight.  Thank You, Lord.  Amen.


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